Mission statement

Star Wars: an epic film franchise that first began with "A New Hope" in 1977, although did it really begin then? Episode 1 - "A Phantom Menace" - was released over 20 years later as the batch of CGI prequels renewed interest in the Star Wars series, and there may even be more films to come. Star Wars is a hugely successful franchise, and has clearly captured the collective imagination. The archetypes and universal characters of the Star Wars world capture something deep in all of us. The philosophy of the Star Wars films is also very interesting, with the Jedi and the Sith representing polarities of experience. The Jedi philosophy is very related to Zen, and The Force is a direct reference to Zen and other eastern philosophies.

The premise of this blog is to showcase the many new innovations, inventions, artefacts and ideas that are inspired by the pop-culture phenomenon known as "Star Wars." It is amazing how many Star Wars-inspired things constantly pop up, and it doesn't seem like people can get enough. From Star Wars tattoos to Storm Trooper helmets and Darth Vaders made out of Lego, fans always find new ways to show their adoration. I for one am determined to get to the bottom of why our culture is so persistently fascinated by these films and the mythology surrounding them. This blog will explore and document the ongoing cultural fascination of the pop phenomenon known as "Star Wars".

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gingerbread walkers on Hoth

Source: Boing Boing

Following on with the edible theme, here is a gingerbread AT-AT! This edible walker was created by the Black Market Bakery, and is on display at Orange County's Discovery Science Museum. There have been many impressive AT-AT creations that I haven't posted about and people are clearly fascinated by these mythical beasts, so I might post some of them. This is a great one, looks yum too. It reminds me of the old days in the battle of Hoth when these fearsome walkers used to patrol the streets. I'd like to see a snowspeeder trip this one up; gingerbread everywhere!

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