Adam Watson has done a great job reworking the Star Wars story and themes into a Dr Seuss-style tale. It's really good, as if Dr Seuss himself was doing Star Wars. As Watson says "the Star Wars universe really blends with the goofy, strangely-named world of Dr. Seuss pretty easily."
Mission statement
The premise of this blog is to showcase the many new innovations, inventions, artefacts and ideas that are inspired by the pop-culture phenomenon known as "Star Wars." It is amazing how many Star Wars-inspired things constantly pop up, and it doesn't seem like people can get enough. From Star Wars tattoos to Storm Trooper helmets and Darth Vaders made out of Lego, fans always find new ways to show their adoration. I for one am determined to get to the bottom of why our culture is so persistently fascinated by these films and the mythology surrounding them. This blog will explore and document the ongoing cultural fascination of the pop phenomenon known as "Star Wars".
Friday, February 18, 2011
Star Wars movies
Star Wars has inspired countless movies, now artist Matt Ranzetta has payed homage to the Star Wars influence by creating some wonderful movie posters. Classic movies with a Star Wars twist you didn't imagine. I love the Cool Hand Luke poster!
Early Star Wars masks
SOURCE: collector's weekly
Here is a pair of rescue masks from the 1800s that may well be inspirations for C3PO and Darth Vader. One of the manufacturers of these masks was called Vajen-Bader, which can be shortened to Vader.
Anakin Volkswagon
The new commercial for Volkswagon features home-movie footage of the young Anakin Skywalker (later to become Darth Vader) learning to use the force. As we all know, Darth Vader was a big fan of the classic black glove; but in those days Anakin didn't wear gloves. We see Anakin practicing the force on an exercise bike, washing machines, a dog, a baby doll, and his lunch. Finally, he manages to start the ignition of his father's car. The punchline is that his father thinks he started the car with his keyring!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Give the gift of Greedo
One of the most memorable and fantastic characters of the Star Wars movies is the loveable bounty hunter Greedo! Everyone loves Greedo, and who could forget that famous scene at the Mos Eisley cantina? Greedo was always cute, and now he has been made even cuter by flickr user BackyardBirderWa; who has fashioned this wonderful crocheted Greedo. It's a great gift idea! She has a website in which she sells special items such as these.
Star careers
Looking for employment? It's hard to find a job these days, and even harder to find a Star Wars job. There are six officially sanctioned careers fit for a Star Wars fanatic, they are:
- Sith Apprentice
- Ewok Chief
- Bounty Hunter
- Jedi Knight
- Death Star Laser Operator
- Jabba's Slave Girl
You could spend days just debating the merits of each of these careers, but thankfully there is this handy flow chart to help set you on your path. Just answer a few simple questions and you will find out 'which occupation meant for you is'. I got Jedi Knight, which is what I was going for anyway.